Most Recent Articles:
Where Do Evangelicals Stand on CEO Compensation?
In the spirit of this week’s question on how different religious groups relate to the massive financial troubles on Wall Street, I spent time this morning digging through resources on how evangelicals view the issue of CEO compensation. With the federal bailout package currently stalled in Congress ландшафтin part because of a debate over whether [...]
Andrea Useem | September 24th, 2008 | Continued

Most Recent Articles:
Why Religion May Not Matter Much in 2008, Part 2
For three days last week, I got my chance to do what I love most: hang out with fellow religion writers and talk/listen/think obsessively about the latest religious news and issues. It was the Religion Newswriters Association annual conference, held this year in D.C. (Melissa Rogers has rounded up the excellent blog coverage by fellow [...]
Andrea Useem | September 23rd, 2008 | Continued

Most Recent Articles:
On the Spiritual Perils of Religion Writing: Q&A with Rod Dreher
As a journalist, writing in the first person is still pretty new for me. But starting this site, blogging professionally and generally entering the Web 2.0 world is essential for my professional survival, and reading Romenesko, the blog-stlye round-up of media-industry news, reminds me of that fact daily. On the one hand, it’s freeing to [...]
Andrea Useem | September 15th, 2008 | Continued

Most Recent Articles:
“Surprised by God:” On Falling in Love with Religious Law
Danya Ruttenberg’s memoir, Surprised by God: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Religion, about how she grew from an athiest-Jewish high schooler to an observant-Jewish 30-something rabbi is really fantastic: well-written, engaging, skating that line between the personal and the universal with surprising grace. While reading it, I had to restrain myself from [...]
Andrea Useem | September 10th, 2008 | Continued

Most Recent Articles:
John McCain Speaks of His True Religious Conversion
Last night’s speech from GOP presidential nominee John McCain’s speech in St. Paul was lackluster at moments, particular in comparison to the “electrifying” speech of VP nominee Sarah Palin the night before. But there was one moment, toward the end, when the hall grew quiet and focused, and the cameras had an easier time finding [...]
Andrea Useem | September 5th, 2008 | Continued
About this Site
Is this site still alive?
As of October, 2008, I am not posting anymore here at ReligionWriter because I have started a new job and no longer have the time and editorial flexibility to write what I want. Inspired by this article in Wired, however, I am experimenting with thinking out loud about religion on Twitter, [...]